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domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Manual para realizar un backup por telnet en imagenes con SIM FERRARI

Aqui os dejo una alternativa para realizar un backup de cualquier imagen válida para sim ferrari.
El manual es para hacer el backup por telnet ya que esta sim tiene algunas incompatibilidades con los plugins de backup mas comunes.
abajo os dejo el post original en el que se explica con todo detalle como realizar la operación. Basicamente dice que se extraiga el archivo adjunto al lugar donde queremos realizar el backup y le demos permisos a la carpeta 755. luego ejecutando el comando abajo reseñado, el backup estara listo en unos 3 minutos dentro de la carpeta imagen que a su vez esta dentro de la carpeta extraida.

This Thread for how to make clean backup image...

In attach Compress Folder..Download and Extract it.
You will got backup folder..

This folder I have modified some scripts and files to make it easy for all to take full backup with any SSlxxF from any image...For All Ferrari Boxs

Now How to use it and make full backup:
Will we take the "Hdd" as an example
1-You can take backup just from image on Internal flash not External.
2-After extract compress folder send backup folder to any device you want (Hdd, Usb or cf).
3-After send backup folder to hdd open it and give all folder chmod (Attributes) 755.
4-Insid folder there is (secondstage.bin) for Dm800 SSl88F, If you want to change it to any ssl just remove that and put new one and rename it to (secondstage.bin), Don't use secondstage.nfi.
5-Now open (build-nfi-image.sh) and edit path to folder in this line (DIRECTORY=/media/hdd/backup), If you put folder in "USB" change hdd to usb and also change you box type then save and close file.
6-Now go to telnet and do this command to make full backup with SSlxxF.


cd /media/hdd/backup && ./build-nfi-image.sh

If folder in "USB" change hdd to usb

Finally after approximately 3 minutes you will get full backup inside image folder on backup folder

See the pictures for more information


Descargar aqui full

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